Saturday, January 27, 2007

Climate Change and Comeback Stories

5% of the take from An Inconvenient Truth is going to support The Alliance for Climate Protection, a nonpartisan effort to promote awareness and national discussion of solutions to climate change. I've been loosely following climate studies since an ecology class I took at W&M, and I'm so hopeful that the 2008 elections will become a turning point for the way this country addresses the issue. I suppose it'll take a phrase like "More Trees, not I.E.D.s!!!" or some other sensationalist emphasis on linking national security to environmentalism, but hey, whatever gets Californians and Texans talking...

Al Gore has become one of my favorite public figures these days. People tend to say "if only he acted more like this..." while running for the 2000 election, or even accuse him of using the film as a vehicle for his own political gain. But to see a personality bounce back from one of history's most devastating electoral defeats in the way he has, finding comfort in becoming the face of a movement which was obviously at the very core of his past political ambitions, is incredibly inspirational. In a way, Gore personifies his own cause - or at least, what we hope will become of that cause. At a personal level his recovery also brings to mind Steve Jobs, who might have lived my all-time favorite comeback story; if you haven't seen his 2005 Stanford graduation speech, do yourself a favor and check it out now if you need a little kick start (yes, also a free download on iTunes). Funny to think that Gore also has a part-time job on Apple's Board of Directors...

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